A positive attitude must be a hard and fast expectation for all employees – not just customer service personnel or management – and everyone must be held accountable to it. Like most job expectations, attitude must be tracked and enforced consistently. If a person stole money or product from a company, he or she would be fired instantly upon being caught. Bad attitudes and negativity are forms of stealing – and in fact, they’re usually at a much larger dollar amount than the tangible things that people steal.
Measuring a positive attitude is difficult for many HR departments because some feel it is not tangible. Why not make it tangible by working on the little things? A smile is part of the work uniform. Negative gossiping is not permitted. Employees should treat all customers like their mother or someone they love and respect. Every employee needs to be helpful and make it their priority to make others feel special.
Put simply: live the dream, and make everyone know you’ve living the dream!