“I wanted to send you a thank you. I was at the Marco leadership training in Minneapolis a few weeks back. I have taken a lot of the items you’ve discussed and implemented them. My one-on-one’s are dramatically more productive, and I have 3 interviews prepped for my recruiting efforts. My team has taken to the practicing very well. So much so they randomly come into my off to just ask and do it ad hoc. On my whiteboard I have one of your quotes so when I talk to my employees it’s actually over their head to see. It says “accountability is a selfless act” Thank you so much. As time goes on I know this will help with our customer interactions and sales. You are an incredible speaker and I truly enjoyed the time! No question one of the best trainings I’ve ever been in!”

Joe GradyRegion Sales Manager WI/IL/UP

“You guys were awesome! Thank you so much for impacting the staff. Everyone had a great time!”

Pastor John McKinzieHope Fellow Church

“Nathan was very well received and his messages on leadership, sales and accountability all tied together very well. The twist with the art project worked well as an ice breaker and also enhanced his presentation. Nathan is a high energy individual and it makes the message more believable when you can see that this guy knows how to be successful. Nathan took a lot of time to learn about our organization and tailor his remarks for our benefit. I would certainly recommend him to any group with new or experienced managers.”

First Savings Bank
“Nathan came highly recommended as a keynote speaker to help TelePacific accentuate specific themes to our direct sales leadership team at our recent sales management training in Las Vegas. Nathan’s session was voted one of the highlights of our several day meeting as he not only delivered meaningful and relevant content, but did so in a highly passionate and entertaining manner that kept everyone engaged. I look forward to working with him again and leveraging his deep knowledge and understanding of sharing how to be a coach and not just a manager, It left a lasting impression on our team which we fully expect to pay dividends in our sales results.”
Ken BisnoffFounding Executive Team Member. Telecom/IT services
“Very powerful message in which we can utilize in business and personal life. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing your ideas to become a better leader. Nathan is very passionate, energentic and most of all REAL in his message. You are now my mentor in becoming a better leader and building a winning business team. I can’t say enough how his message has changed my outlook in life!!!!”
Denise SaucedoVerizon Wireless
“I was extremely impressed with today’s presentation. I gained a huge amount of insight and inspiration from the presentation. Nathan’s “real world” approach and relevant analogies are without a doubt effective and impactful. I’m excited to see what I am able to do by using today’s presentation to change my approach to coaching.”
Eric SheffieldVerizon Wireless

“You were a big hit with our leadership and sales team, so thanks for making me look good.”

Frank MarraccinoExecutive VP of Sales & Marketing / United Auto Credit | Corporate

“Nathan was absolutely the most dynamic speaker I have ever seen and I know that our people thoroughly enjoyed him as well!!”

Melissa ReganRecruiting Manager / United Auto Credit | Corporate

“In February 2014 we chose Nathan Jamail to be our key presenter at our Sales and Management Conference. Attendees included Corporate Management, Sales Management and Sales personnel. Nathan’s presentation on how to be a Sales Professional was outstanding. As a matter of fact we were so pleased with what he delivered in February that we invited him back to talk to Sales Management only recently, to assist them in managing, coaching and holding our sales team accountable for their results. His second presentation was equal to if not better than the first. If you are looking for someone to assist you and your team be better sales professionals I would recommend you listen to what Nathan has to say.”

Jerry M. BauerChairman & CEO / Bauer Built, Inc.

“I am so grateful to have had Nathan work with my team and I twice now. The benefits have shown themselves over and over again. Highly recommend bringing Nathan Jamail into your world.”

Steve FoxMicrosoft - VP