Imagine a salesperson makes an appointment with you, but then shows up aloof, half-asleep, uninterested in you, heedless of what you have to say, and displaying an obvious inferiority complex. If you had any inkling to do business with him, it vanished with his dignity. He’s simply unlikeable, and we avoid unlikeable people in our personal lives and our business environments. You’re not thinking of what he has to offer, but the easiest way to get him out the door. Contrast him with a sales professional who arrives on time, exudes positive energy from start to finish, listens to you, cares about what you have to say, respects the busyness of your schedule, and doesn’t shy away from helping you consider the pros and cons of his product for you. Likeability is no guarantee of a sale, but being unlikeable pretty surely hastens a speedy rejection. So be likeable. Display good energy, show genuine interest, and be confident. – Nathan

Author: Nathan Jamail
Nathan Jamail is a keynote speaker and bestselling author of 5 books, including his most recent “Serve Up & Coach Down.” With over 25 years of leadership in Corporate America as a top Director of Sales and a small business owner of several companies, his clients have come to know him as “The Real Deal.” Nathan has taught great leaders from across the world and shows organizations how to have a “Serve Up Mindset” to achieve maximum success. His expertise doesn’t come just from research or interviews. It’s from living the life of leadership for over 25 years. As a sales leadership keynote speaker and author who works with thousands every year, he challenges leaders to be the best version of themselves and settle for nothing less! Check out Nathan Jamail’s books, articles, keynote presentations, and blogs at or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.