Think of your organization as a sports team. Does every player for the Dallas Cowboys or the Texas Rangers play the same position? Of course not. The attributes and skills required for pitching are different than those needed for the outfield. The quarterback has a different role to play than the wide receiver.
If you want to create a winning culture within your organization, you need to position your people where they are best suited on the team. Consider their interests and likes, their plans and goals. Reflect on their attributes and talents, their skills and virtues. Is everyone exactly where they are most effective? Is the team at its most effective with the current line-up?
When you first hired your employees, you had immediate needs, but now you can ask yourself where each member of the team would work best. Chances are you’ve learned a thing or two about each person since employing them. Put that knowledge to good use. Consider moving people around, positioning them where they’d be most effective given their likes, skills, and attributes–and the overall culture of the team!