Sales Leadership
Keynote Speaker
Being a Sales Leader is like being the head coach of a professional sports team. Our job is to prepare our players for the game, equipping them with the tools to win each and every time!
When hiring a sales speaker or coach, clients want to make sure the speaker understands their team’s business, their challenges and most importantly can help them drive outcomes with proven skills and tactics. This is why more organizations hire Nathan Jamail to work with their teams and over 95% of the time they bring him back.
Topics & Skills Nathan Teaches:
- Helping leaders coach and grow their employees
- How to keep employee’s motivated and engage remotely
- Creating company alignment though the organization
- Making employees better vs just more experienced
- Creating Winning Culture and Mindset and team
- Committed leaders create committed employees
- The Powerful Selling mindset
- The power of leaders in the middle
- Developing a winning belief system and a winning team culture
- Thriving Sales culture
- Practice and improving skills
- Helping committed leaders create committed employees
- Understanding the power of leaders in the middle
"As Sales Leaders our number one job is to make our sales people better, and not just more experiences or more knowledgable."
— Nathan Jamail
Why organizations hire Nathan Jamail as a Keynote speaker
for their Sales Leadership events?
No matter the selling system your organization uses- SPIN, PSS, Challenger, Relationship selling, or any of the other dozens of programs available- Nathan can help sales teams maximize them by sharing the impact of “The Powerful Selling Mindset” combined with purposeful practice and an overall understanding of “the skill of selling.” Sales Leadership is more than choosing a selling skills system- it about implementing, coaching and believing in the system the Sales Leader has chosen.
Just like in sports, all defenses work if the coaches and players commit to learning them and perfecting them- and selling skill programs are no different. The Sales Leadership team must ensure that all players believe and commit, so no matter the program you are using- have Nathan Jamail, top ranked Sales Leadership Keynote speaker, help your sales team understand how to successfully implement them.
The Powerful Selling Mindset:
Cures: lower sales results, accepting of excuses, bad attitudes, lack of effort, bad moral
Lessons learned by Sales Leadership:
- A coaches job is to get employees to have a powerful belief system
- Belief creates conviction, conviction creates practice and practice creates results
- A coaches job is to make her players better versus just more experienced
- Selling is a skill and as a coach our job is to develop that skill
- Attitude, energy and belief must mandated by all leaders
Purposeful Sales Practice
Cures: complacency, lack luster sales results, insecurity and fear
Lessons learned by Sales Leadership:
- Selling is a skill that must be practiced consistently for one’s entire career
- The power of Scrimmaging (vs Role Playing) implemented and mandated by Sales Leadership
- Implementing daily scrimmaging and weekly team practices
- The desire to be coached by your Sales leader
- Build confidence from within that others can see, feel and believe in
- Reminder Sales Leadership team- Players don’t show up to practice unless the coach requires it. Demand it and make it worth it.
If you are looking to have a true top performing sales leader at your next event, do what other top sales teams are doing and hire Nathan Jamail- the top sales leadership speaker to be your next keynote speaker!
Looking for information on our Leadership topics? Visit our Leadership page. Also, be sure to take a peek at our Virtual Demo video too. All of Nathan’s topics can be done powerfully in a Virtual Environment too.
Nathan has delivered keynotes to the
world’s largest companies and organizations