Have you ever made a purchase that you came to regret after the initial excitement wore off? Most people have. You spend hard-earned money on a product only to discover that it really doesn’t meet your wants or needs.
Sometimes the only one to blame for this fleeting excitement is yourself, but at other times you realize that you were manipulated by a sales person who wanted you feeling excited, but didn’t care if the product was really a good match for you.
What happens then? You’re resentful and upset. You’re not likely to return to that place of business and you may be likely to share your dissatisfaction with others.
Manipulating prospective customers may get you a sale or two, but it hurts your business long term. It builds distrust and frustration. Don’t manipulate. Converse with prospective customers to get a sense for their needs and wants; only then can you offer them a product that best suits them.