Late in The Avengers, New York City is under assault by alien forces spiraling out of a portal in the sky. The superheroes fight valiantly, but they’re overrun and need the aid of the local police.
Seeing an officer in authority, Captain America rushes to him and tells him what needs to be done to secure the city and rescue endangered people.
The officer pointedly asks Cap why he should take orders from him. Suddenly a horde of monstrous aliens charge against the man in red, white, and blue; but to the policeman’s shock, they’re easily dispatched by the superhuman superhero. This seems to be all the answer the officer needs, so he turns and issues the orders given to him by Captain America.
The police were overwhelmed by an incomprehensible situation, but Captain America communicated his confidence and the fact that he knew what he was doing. He exemplified ability, skill, and leadership, and so the officer took him as a leader, someone worth following.
How do you set an example of stellar leadership?
– Kyle Cupp