Fire The Bad Attitude

Leaders across the world would say, “that a person having a positive attitude is very important”, in fact when asked many would say the most important, so why do so many leaders accept less than great positive attitudes from their employees?  Some reasons include; too hard; it is because of HR or legal and a…

Go Big or Go Home

One of my favorite sayings is to “Go big or go home”.  I believe in this 100%.  The cliched saying that you won’t regret the things you tried on your deathbed, only the things you didn’t is also true. I found a great article/video online that I found very inspiring- and hope that you do…

The importance of practice

In business we love to use sport cliché’s (at least I do) and talk about winning as well as use the term coaching versus managing, but are we just talking or are we walking the walk? For example I was just with a client conducting a workshop and one of the managers stated, “I hire…

Dealing with Difficult Employees

Ask yourself this question: Knowing what you know today how many of your current employees would you not hire tomorrow?  Honestly how many would you not hire for their current job?  If several names or people came to your mind, then you are in good company.  Most leaders in business today can honestly say they…