The importance of practice

In business we love to use sport cliché’s (at least I do) and talk about winning as well as use the term coaching versus managing, but are we just talking or are we walking the walk? For example I was just with a client conducting a workshop and one of the managers stated, “I hire…

You’re a Sales Professional

In business, you are what you are paid to do. In sales, you are paid to sell.  That’s your job. That’s what you do. That’s what’s expected of you.  Embrace it for what it is. A lot of sales people, feeling that the label of sales isn’t glamorous enough, disguise what they do with fancy…

Influencing vs. Manipulating

Have you ever made a purchase that you came to regret after the initial excitement wore off?  Most people have.  You spend hard-earned money on a product only to discover that it really doesn’t meet your wants or needs. Sometimes the only one to blame for this fleeting excitement is yourself, but at other times…

Sales Joke

A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day to be confronted by a well-dressed vacuum cleaner salesman. “Good morning,” said the young man. “If I could take a couple of minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high powered vacuum cleaners. “Go away,” protested the…