Social Media

Facebook and Twitter can be effective tools to getting your message out and growing your business.  I use them myself.  They are not, however, the sort of instruments that you can rely on.  They give you a presence, a boost, but no business succeeds because they have accounts on social media.  These have to serve…

The Biggest Obstacle to Practicing

The biggest obstacle to practicing is you. If you are a leader, then you have to fight the temptation to assume that since your sales teams have been selling for years they don’t need to practice. The difference between the amateurs and the professionals is not their tenure but their commitment to practice and getting…

Business Culture in The Avengers

The other day we showed our son his first live-action super hero movie, Joss Whedon’s The Avengers, a movie in part about the creation of a successful culture. When the super heroes are first brought together, one of them describes their grouping as a time-bomb, as opposed to a team.  They don’t get along well…

A Company Culture

Coaching involves much more than actions and skills. Coaching is a culture that creates and multiplies success. A coaching culture, like any culture, must have laws, beliefs and consequences for success and for failure.  It’s not enough to say you want or you have a winning coaching culture; you as a leader have to work…