A Sign for Everything

Now here’s a real estate agent who’s mindful of a unique clientele.  Are haunted houses enough of a problem that “Not Haunted” house for sale signs are a thing? Props for knowing your prospective customers, I guess. Image via

Set the Standards for Success

Do you want a winning team?  Then you have to set standards and accept nothing less.  What are these standards? A winning attitude Attributes required for each job Top performance in the assigned position Eagerness to practice and improve Willingness to learn from failures Ownership of results Respectful support of the team. Over the next…

Accountability Goes Both Ways

Accountability means no excuses.  You acknowledge your responsibility for your actions, decisions, and policies.  You take ownership of their consequences. If you are a leader, you expect your team to be accountable to you and themselves, but they also expect (rightly!) that you will be accountable to them.   If you tell your team to exceed…

Work Your Sales Plan

A quality sales plan will tell you where you are, where you want to be, and the steps you will take to get there.  Work your plan. Make it happen. Don’t let it be a vague idea in your head or a detailed map buried in your desk.  Keep it front and center, stained with…

Are You a Sales Professional?

Sales professions sell the right products or services for their customers. Be proud if you accomplish this.  Don’t disguise your job with catching names like consultant or adviser.  If you sell for a living, do it well.  Help your customers and clients find the products and services that are right for them!

Living the Dream

Imagine who you want to be. Now make yourself into that person. Success comes from dreams, diligence, and hard work. Sometimes you have to discern, over time, who you want to be. Today’s dreams may not be tomorrow’s.  But when you’ve determined where your attributes and skills, when developed, can take you, take the steps…