Living Your Dream in Small Steps

Life throws curve balls at us frequently, and we’re inundated with inconveniences and forces outside our control.  Yet even in these circumstances we are free to act.  Perhaps for reasons beyond your control you are not able to live your dreams today; nonetheless, you can make choices today to reach out for your dreams.  What…

What Are You Doing?

Potential customers and clients get apprehensive around sales people because they often feel pressured into purchasing a good or service they don’t really need.  The sales person assumes, with little to no questioning, exactly what the prospect desires, in effect treating him the same as everyone else.  Don’t do this.  Each prospect you meet is…

Stan Musial Quotes

“The first principle of contract negotiations is don’t remind them of what you did in the past – tell them what you’re going to do in the future.” “I never realized that batting a little ball around could cause so much commotion.” “On an All-Star Team, I vote for players of one kind-those I enjoy…

Unbreakable Comb Sales Joke

A salesman was demonstrating unbreakable combs in a department store. He was impressing the people who stopped by to look by putting the comb through all sorts of torture and stress. Finally to impress even the skeptics in the crowd, he bent the comb completely in half, and it snapped with a loud crack. Without…

Seek Excellence in What You Love

There’s an old saying: Do what you love.  I agree with this sage advice, but success takes more than doing what you love doing.  It’s necessary, but not sufficient. In addition to doing what you love, you have to seek excellence in what you love.  If you enjoy playing football, you still have to practice…

Social Media

Facebook and Twitter can be effective tools to getting your message out and growing your business.  I use them myself.  They are not, however, the sort of instruments that you can rely on.  They give you a presence, a boost, but no business succeeds because they have accounts on social media.  These have to serve…

The Biggest Obstacle to Practicing

The biggest obstacle to practicing is you. If you are a leader, then you have to fight the temptation to assume that since your sales teams have been selling for years they don’t need to practice. The difference between the amateurs and the professionals is not their tenure but their commitment to practice and getting…