Nathan Jamail is a keynote speaker and bestselling author of 5 books, including his most recent “Serve Up & Coach Down.” With over 25 years of leadership in Corporate America as a top Director of Sales and a small business owner of several companies, his clients have come to know him as “The Real Deal.” Nathan has taught great leaders from across the world and shows organizations how to have a “Serve Up Mindset” to achieve maximum success. His expertise doesn’t come just from research or interviews. It’s from living the life of leadership for over 25 years. As a sales leadership keynote speaker and author who works with thousands every year, he challenges leaders to be the best version of themselves and settle for nothing less! Check out Nathan Jamail’s books, articles, keynote presentations, and blogs at or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.


Don’t think role-playing is the property of geeks; it’s an effective method of team practicing, and it gives sales leaders a sense of each team members attributes, skills, strengths, and weaknesses.  All of these come into play when sales professionals practice. Brainstorm some situations you know your team members will face at one time or…

Perceptions and Reputations

There’s an old Farside comic about a slick salesman who’s successfully sold refrigerators to Eskimos in the frozen plains.  It illustrates a common perception about salespeople: that we’re swindlers, dishonest manipulators who convince people to buy items they don’t need. Unfortunately, there’s some truth to this perception.  Some salespeople are mischievous and dishonest.  They will…

Small Talk

Brett Nelson explains how small talk can have a big impact on your likeability.  Worth keeping in mind, but remember to be yourself. Don’t scan a prospect’s office to find something to relate to, for example–you’ll end up with small talk that sounds forced and insincere.  Instead, be open about your interests and inquire into…

The Golden T

When you finish with an in person appointment, where do you go from there?  If you answered “Back to the office,” then you’re missing out on a great opportunity. Give yourself some extra time to visit three businesses that neighbor the one you just had an appointment with.  Look around the block–what do you see? …