Nathan Jamail is a keynote speaker and bestselling author of 5 books, including his most recent “Serve Up & Coach Down.” With over 25 years of leadership in Corporate America as a top Director of Sales and a small business owner of several companies, his clients have come to know him as “The Real Deal.” Nathan has taught great leaders from across the world and shows organizations how to have a “Serve Up Mindset” to achieve maximum success. His expertise doesn’t come just from research or interviews. It’s from living the life of leadership for over 25 years. As a sales leadership keynote speaker and author who works with thousands every year, he challenges leaders to be the best version of themselves and settle for nothing less! Check out Nathan Jamail’s books, articles, keynote presentations, and blogs at or follow us on
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Don’t stick to a memorized script. Instead, go where the conversation leads you and the customer. If a customer has an exciting job, I will ask him or her to tell me a story about some memorable event or other. I want to know details, interesting details. I once met with a prospect who was…
“I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true – hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don’t love something, then don’t do it.” – Ray Bradbury
Is it still a good metaphor for professional sales? Jacquelyn Smith thinks not: How do you craft an effective sales pitch? First, ditch the “pitch”—or at least neglect the traditional meaning of the word. It basically describes what salespeople used to do—throw information at prospects hoping to sell a product or service before the buyer…
Obviously you can’t make an entire turnaround in your behavior over the course of just one day, but you can and you absolutely must begin taking steps today towards your goals. A plan or course of action does you no good unless you take a step and then another and then another. However, you need…
Passion is not something that a leader can teach, as if he or she could impart the information and then give a test to see how well team members understood passion and embodied it in their work. Rather passion is the result of a person doing the right job or having the right career. It…
Life throws curve balls at us frequently, and we’re inundated with inconveniences and forces outside our control. Yet even in these circumstances we are free to act. Perhaps for reasons beyond your control you are not able to live your dreams today; nonetheless, you can make choices today to reach out for your dreams. What…
Potential customers and clients get apprehensive around sales people because they often feel pressured into purchasing a good or service they don’t really need. The sales person assumes, with little to no questioning, exactly what the prospect desires, in effect treating him the same as everyone else. Don’t do this. Each prospect you meet is…
Now they need to do one of these with sales leaders.